I am the Page of Swords in Reverse. I am very good at making your business mine. You might call me gossipy, but you'd be surprised how many people come to me when they want to be in the know. Don't give me deadlines, I'll get it done when I get it done... if I feel like it. It's not that I'm incapable or dim witted. In fact, I know I am quite the opposite. How else do you think I can get away with promising something, not doing it, and making it look like it was someone else's fault for not getting done?

I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? You shouldn't have been in my way to begin with. What's happening this weekend by the way? Why? Because I wanna know, and you should tell me. I just made it my business. You'll regret not telling me... you shouldn't have crossed me. I know people.
You will most likely never see me work with diligence. If I can't somehow get someone else to do it, it doesn't need to be done. I'm talented enough and smart enough to make things happen, and if you can't see that, then I don't need you! Surprised how well I pulled that last one off? That's right, I told you. I'm pretty good at what I do, when I do it on my own time.
If I'm late, it's because I had something better to do. If I didn't finish what I started, it's because I got something better to work on. If I'm irritable, it's probably you stressing me out. I don't have a problem with or issue with substance, it helps me be creative. And remember? It's none of your business, so back off.
Lindsay Lohan Photo: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic |
Lindsay Lohan could have been (and who knows maybe she still can be) one of the best. She knows it, industry knows it. Creative and smart, she is also the dullest of spoiled brats with issues that just seem so passé of her know. Always sarcastic, critical and finger pointing of everyone, LiLo is as devious and disrespectful as they come. And yet, she is at her best when taking the blame off herself and placing it on everyone and everything in her destructive path. Constantly challenging the law, employers, family and friends, LiLo is a know it all who seems to be caught dead centre in Hollywood gossip. She's so good at being miserable, one can actually feel empathy for her... until you are reminded how smart and talented she really is. Rehab 23 times? Such a waste. It's a shallow and unfortunate game she's playing. We can only hope the girl doesn't someday land on her own sword.
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