Saturday, March 23, 2013

Page of Pentacles & his Elements

My journey with PoP has been a simple one. As is his nature, so is the understanding of his message. There are qualities of Tarot that need to be considered, especially when taking on a modern, new generation of thought and querents.

One such consideration is PoP's sex.  Is he male, is he female... does it even matter any more?  Is the traits/personality and the meaning of the card what's most important? At this point, considering he is my first on this 78 week journey, I really feel strongly committed to a male energy. I really just want to flat out call him Peter. If I asked him, he would probably say, 'then call me Peter and move on with it already'.

As I move through the Arcana's, I thought it would be fun to assign herb/plants to each card.  I'm sure this has been done, and there is an official chart, but as an Indigo, I love and appreciate that I can create a chart that makes sense to me. I hope this will help and guide me along my journey, as any advice or guidance given will come from a part of me and my spirit guide.  I will consider and use information sought out by the masters before me, but I look forward to finding my own way through the mysteries.

After having searched high and low, I finally found an herb that is both Masculin and of the Earth element.  The Honeysuckle.  According to the The Forgotten Language of Flowers, the Honeysuckle represents spirit vision, devoted and generous love. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs gives the Honeysuckle the following powers: Money, psychic vision and protection. Need I say more?

With my fascination in crystals, and again I'm sure each card already has an associated crystal linked to it. But again, this is a personal journey and an indigo grid. Peter of Pentacles leads me to Citrine. This energetic stone represents abundance and attracts wealth, prosperity and success.  When PoP is pulled, it is a very positive message letting you know that financial wealth and success is on its way. Young in his age, he represents merely the start of your journey, but it gives you a heads up that you're on the right path. That the new venture you're about to take is a good one and will provide if you stay committed. Take the time to learn and devote your attention and abilities. The journey of the PoP is slow and meticulous with care spent on the details.
 **PoP didn't show up in your reading? You can still energize your home with his spirit! Place a Citrine crystal in the wealth corner of your home, the furthest left corner from your front door.**

When Page of Pentacles shows up, allow yourself a sigh of relief. You're on your way, and Spirit is with you. If you really want to excel your progress, do what you dreamed of as a child. There you will find joy and lasting success.

Love and Light,

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