Monday, June 24, 2013

Magic Monday ~ Wish Upon a Stone

The vows of my marriage. Cast in stone.

As my sixth anniversary looms, I got to thinking about what we have, tangibly, that represents our wedding outside the obvious rings, pictures...etc. What is that one 'thing' we shared six years ago that still holds power today? What is at the foundation our marriage?

What is at the foundation of anything that lasts the test of time?

“ When all the water has gone, only the largest stones will still remain in the riverbed.” 
African Proverb

Think about the value we place rock. As an international community, our faith in stone is a common and shared experience. Stone has a tangible beauty, and has the energy to capture our deepest desires and display the beauty of our most talented. It represents our loved ones, and allows us to cast hate on those we shun.

As I started to think about stone and our culture, it was pretty easy to come up with some really powerful and memorable concepts. These are just a few that came to mind straight away:

Gazing upon Medusa will turn you to stone
Moses carried the word of God on two tablets carved in stone
Headstones are the physical worlds representation of loved ones who've passed. Their life's story carved into the stone like a tagline.
Rocks are a child's must have first collection. The Mini Starlite had rocks in her pockets for years, always searching, always collecting.
Remember this little diddy "Sticks and stones may break my bones..." We know now that stones hurt for a minute, while names can hurt a life time.
Stonehenge, Easter Island, Mont Rushmore, self-made camp fire rings
Rolling Stones... Stone Temple Pilots, lol I know, I digress

Regardless, I bet most, if not all of the above said stone references immediately invoked some kind of visual memory.

If you attended my wedding, you would remember receiving an intention stone to be held throughout our ceremony. The power, friendship, energy and love continue to surround us each and everyday. There are times when I wonder, how did we get through this or that? There are other days when I am so full of joy and blessings, I wonder why me? It's of no mystery to me where it comes from, the stone at our foundation was set with intention and love, by family and friends. I can't imagine a life built on anything else.

A wedding isn't an everyday occurrence. A dream, wish or intention can come at anytime for any reason. Because of this, an intention stone, prayer stone or wishing stone is the perfect gift from Spirit. It is readily available whenever we need it, and it can be found anywhere our feet be placed on ground.
The magic behind the stones is the the ability to personalize the process of getting one. Stone before the intention/intention before the stone? Doesn't matter. What matters is that you take the time to look. To search, inside and out.

How to set your intention stone:

Wishing Stones 60 count - Guest Book Alternative - Sand Color - Rocks/Stones - Eco Friendly, Fun, and Super UniqueHold the stone in your hand, close your eyes and visualize your intention. Take a deep breath, hold it for five seconds. Take one more deep breath and top it off, setting your desire firm. Exhale to the count of 5 seconds, releasing your wish to the universe.

The rest is up to you. With the stone set, you can give it back to Mother Earth knowing she will keep your dream safe. You can write your intention on the stone and keep it where you'll be reminded of it. Start a prayer pile, and keep adding to it as you set your intentions. What you do with the stone has endless opportunities, as long as you harm none.

Have fun looking for your prayer stone. Enjoy the process of making a wish. And may all your dreams come true.


Love and Light,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Got This! A Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

Edward Cullen shouldn't be the only one with the ability to sparkle in the Sun.

Sidenote: I mean really, I just dropped a dime on some sparkle spray so that I too can look luminescent when I'm out playing in the rays of my energy source.

Let the power of the Solstice fill you with confidence. Face the world with brilliance, and let them know:

"I Got This!" 

2 ............... 3
4 ..... SUN..... 5
6 ............... 7

1. Live with passion. Embrace the power of the Sun.
2. Upcoming possibilities. The door to success is opened by...
3. Time to play. Enjoy this gift.
4. Time to be serious.
5. Welcome advice.
6. Beware what lies in the shadows.
7. How to improve, now that you're aware. 
8. A burden lifted. Let it go.



Love and Light,

Monday, June 17, 2013

Let the Sun Shine In ~ Bathing in Litha

The longest day of the year is just around the corner and this Leo can't wait to celebrate! 

The Sun by Mitsuki Hayashi
This will be my first official Litha, where I will consciously be acknowledging the Sun. Everything about this festival excites me. This solstice is filled with fire, creation, life energy, and spirit. The Sun reaches his highest point, sending shadows and bad energy racing from their hideaways. These spaces are filled with the beauty and regenerative rays of the sun, strengthening our resolve and filling us with golden pieces of truth and growth. The vibrations of the sun are felt by every living thing, stimulating growth. Filling you with life.

This magical day is filled with passion. Fill your festivities with dance and bright colours, flower picking and sexy time (please practice both with the utmost of care and respect).  It is so important to fill your days by enjoying the sun. Those of us in the North know that Sun days are as good as gold and we should treat these days as such.

Life is to be enjoyed. Take these pieces of golden beauty and give thanks. Let the blessings abound and the sacredness tingle right through to your soul.

Celebrate the Solstice the Indigo way:

Spirit Self ~ Fill your space with fresh flowers. Anything in full bloom has been kissed by the sun and is the perfect bouquet for celebration. If picking the flowers yourself, make sure you thank the Mother for her gift.

Visit Shining Soul Yoga for Guidance
Family and Loved ones ~ A BBQ with corn, (kernels of the sun) , and some freshly squeezed homemade sun juice, (most commonly know as Lemonade), is a brilliant way to spend Litha.

Community ~ There are so many celebrations and festivals, make sure you take a boo in your local events calendar. If you're living in the Ottawa area, check out the Summer Solstice Aboriginal Arts Festival

Spirit ~ Let yourself enjoy a few Sun Salutations.

I wish you Love and Light this Solstice.



How will you be spending the Midsummer Dream? What element most represents the sun to you?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Benny be Bad - Behaviour of the Page of Cups Reverse

You know who he is... Benny. 

Most of us have had a Benny in our lives. You know, the one that just can't shut up. Is completely inappropriate at all times. Suffers from prolonged teenage angst. Starting to sound familiar?

Consider these settings as it relates to Benny:

Celtic Dragon Tarot ~ PoC rev
A surprise baby shower is being held for one of your co-workers. You know, the quite little cute one who sits in the corner, does her work, and really truly never utters a bad word about anyone or anything? She's kinda that churchy, 'I'm most looking forward to taking my baby to story time at the library', sweet thing. Everyone is eating cake, she's rubbing her belly shy like and a bit embarrassed by all the attention. In comes Benny, late of course, full of pomp. "So Lydia, I was talking to a friend who said her baby's head was so big she teared from front to back. Doesn't having your woohoo stitched up scare the shit out of you?"


The family is having a get together to discuss an aging grandparent's dimensia. They're considering bringing him home to live until the progression of the ailment gets to much for them to handle. They'd like to be around during the onset of the disease, to ease the transition of the grandfather, making him a 'new' addition to the family setting. A setting of which the 22 year old Benny still finds himself in as he hasn't quite embraced taking care of himself yet.  "Do what ever you want. Just remember he's your responsibility not mine. And for the record, I'm not giving up my bedroom."


Benny and Sue have been in a relationship for  almost a year. They met the first week of college and seem to have hit it off. Sue, being super busy with her studies, didn't mind the lack of quality time as it allowed her to focus on her studies and maintain a relationship without the guilt of having to decide between good grades and quality time with her man. At first, she thought his giving her space was cute, and endearing. She realizes that Benny's abscence might have been more selfish than she'd like to admit. "Listen Sue, we didn't spend that much time together before. School's out, so what? That doesn't mean we need to spend more time together now. Get over it."


Benny's friend is having his bachelor party. They've reserved a VIP at the local club. Boys will be boys, and they're definitely living up to being boys. As the night progresses, Benny is living it up a little more than the rest. As is his nature when things aren't about him, he will find away to make sure at some point his presence will be talked about and remembered. Bachelor boy is starting to wind down, and the 'boys' are getting ready to go home. Just as they get ready to leave, in comes the waitress with trays full of shooters. It doesn't take long to figure out where they came from... "Ladies, my boy is getting married... shooters for the ladies who can remind him what he's giving up!" says Benny who's managed to convince the DJ to give him some airtime.

Sheer Madness.

He's a pest. And he's a pain. And yet, people still want him around. Benny has a few lessons to learn, obviously. But more importantly, the PoC rev needs to get to the root of what is causing him conflict and emotional pain. There is a reason for his behaviour, and although it's tough to ride it out, patience with this one will pay off in the long run. 


Love and Light,

Have you ever been 'bitten' by Benny?
Pick a scenario above. How would you deal with Benny?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Fitness Forecast

At this point in life, my physical state is in pain. The controlling part of me wants to say I have an answer as to why. Unfortunately it's not that easy, which is why I find myself trapped in the everyday bi-polarism of self hate and love. I cannot bare to tell you the extremes I flip flop through over the course of the day as I struggle with my physical self. Specifically, the physical state of my body. Achy knees, one too many shawarma hips, a backside that comes out the top of my pants, arms that can't 'push' me up, and boobs I hate to love. It pains me, as I "think" I am quite confident, and then I see myself in pictures. I do not look how I feel. And I do not feel how I look. Does that make sense?

As an Indigo, I have come to believe that taking care of this body, the only one I've got, is first and foremost. In the physical sense, if treated like a vessel and cared for deeply, it will allow me to successfully achieve all the other aspects of life's senses. If I am able to care for self, I am able to care for others. If I learn to nurture self, I will learn to nurture Mother Earth. If I am able to connect with self, I will be able to connect with universe. I must first service that which has been given to me as my physical charge, so that I may in turn service as many as I can with a clean, clear and non-hypocritical energy.

"To offer, I must receive. To teach, I must learn. 
To succeed, I must fail. To guide, I must find."

I still feel like I'm walking around with my pre-baby 23 year old cheer leading body. I'm not.
I feel chunky, clunky and old. I'm not.

How can one body, one mind, contradict itself so much? I don't have the answer to that... but I'm willing to work on it. I've created the Fitness Forecasting spread to guide me through the week. Here's how it works: I separate my cards into courts, majors and minors. I do a clean shuffle for each pile and place them in the following order

Fitness Forecast Tarot Spread

1. Court
   2. Major
3. Minor 4. Minor 5. Minor 6. Minor 7. Minor 8. Minor 9. Minor

1. My behavoiral trait over the course of the week
   2. A message from Spirit (can be either a reward or warning)
3-9. Daily doses of "food for thought"

Here we go... Week 1

Knight of Swords
Mon Ace of W | Tue III of P | Wed IV of C rev | Thu IX of Wands | Fri III of S rev | Sat VII of S |        Sun III of C rev

Basically, what this is telling me is that I will be faced with a week where I will be living fast and needing to make quick, on the spot decisions. Essentially, I need to be aware of and avoid fast food.

Spirit is telling me that I am that top of my game, I have the energy and positive attitude to see me through the up and coming week. This is good news, as it seems I will be faced with some serious personal challenges throughout the week.

Food for Thought:
Monday - Track and journal
Tuesday - Maintain clear goal
Wednesday - Tired of being tired.
Thursday - Get through it. I will beat her.
Friday - What hurts?
Sat - Creative Discipline
Sun - Don't give in. Don't give up. You're only cheating yourself.

Good luck and have fun with this spread. And remember, tarot is like weather forecasting. You can't always be right, but at least you'll have an idea of what to expect.

Check back for daily and weekly updates as I work on "the outside".


Love and Light,

When you look in the mirror, is what you see a reflection of how you feel?
How does your physical self affect your spiritual self?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cupcakes & Page of Cups

Page of Cups ~ Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
To sit down with my dear sweet friend, the Page of Cups, fills my heart and makes me long for the days filled with untarnished dreams. There is an air of excitement about her, but she keeps to herself at first, watching the passers by as she collects her thoughts. She's working on something, I can see it in her eyes. The early morning sun, surrounded by a dose of signature Capital humidity has her captivated and inspired. I can't wait to see how this early morning meeting is going to transform into a glorious new cupcake.

The PoC on work, health, love, lifestyle and spiritual direction

IS: From the PMO's office to cupcake aficionado. How?

Paige: Right? It was one of those things that could never be planned for. I mean I dreamed about it all the time, having my own cupcakery... but I'm a Poli Sci grad who's supposed to be following in the footsteps of my parents. (Sigh) What a waste of money, but it taught me discipline I guess...

 She stares off for a minute, a flash of insecurity colours her cheeks.

Paige: Anyways, we were having a pre-Canada Day function in the office and were asked to bring in some snacks and stuff. I love baking, and cupcakes are my favourite, so I simply made a batch thinking absolutely nothing of it. It was my contribution for the day... maple cinnamon with red and white icing. The staff went crazy for them, and I just started getting requests... my daughter's birthday, a school function for my son, fundraiser... a friend of a friend event. And then I got a request to bake for a wedding party of 200, she wanted 5 different original flavours... and that is how my career ended and started.

IS: All that baking and sampling, and yet you look incredible!

Paige: Ha, thanks for noticing. This is a brand new body, trust me. Again, one of those random meetings that's changed me physically. A new Cross Fit type gym put an order request for their Grand Opening, this was a tricky one as the cakes needed to be super healthy and still yummy. I made their cakes and they offered my to try a class. I've been hooked ever since. Never done anything like this but I'm always up for trying something new!

IS: Are you sharing this journey with anyone special?

Her eyes light up in a magical way, and the excitement of young love, palpable.

Paige: I just started dating him and he's amazing. We literally ran into each other at the library, can you imagine? Like old school fairytale kinda stuff. I was going through a bunch of art history books, just looking for ideas you know. It was raining out, not much else to do... whatever. I didn't realize I barricaded the aisle, and he was trying to get through. He helped me move the books, but ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with me on the floor of the library.

IS: So what are your plans from here?

Paige: Plans? As in structured, concrete plans? Yah right... I go where the day takes me. Money or not, I let the ride of life take me. I believe that whereever I am, I'm meant to be. I'll figure it out once I get there.

IS: You mentioned that your education has helped you with discipline, and yet you seem so free spirited.

Paige: True. I see what you're getting at, but here's the thing. I live for the moment, but I also experience the moment and take in each lesson as it presents itself. I listen. I think that's one of my strong points. For example, remember the wedding lady that changed my life? I didn't know how the hell I was going to come up with all of these unique ideas and flavours. I mean, really, I was baking from my mom's kitchen, with no professional experience or qualifications at all. I wanted to tell her, remind her of my amature'ness. Instead, I kept my mouth shut and listened to every single word and detail she gave me. I went home, researched and looked up everything I could on flavour pairing and a bunch of other boring baking stuff. I didn't quit until I had what she wanted. That's what discipline helped me with. I'm good at flying by the seat of my pants because I have a solid foundation.

IS: Where do you go from here?

Paige: I don't know, but there is a change in the wind. I can feel it in every bone of my body. I can sense things, you know what I mean? I knew a walk down the red velvet road  with blinders on was going to pan out. Just like I know things are about to get big and fast. I don't know how or when, I just know it will. I'm preparing myself the best I can. But like I said before, I have a solid foundation. So when it comes charging at me, I say bring it!


Love and Light,

Have you ever landed a$$ backwards into something special because of a hidden talent?
When has intuition changed your life?

Don't forget to follow me @indigospiritspa

Monday, June 3, 2013

O Romeo, Wherefore art thou my Page of Cups?

"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand!

O that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!"

He's a bit of a romantic fellow isn't he, this Page of Cups? Yes he is and that's what makes him my favourite Page. That and his perfume is Indigo kinda makes me partial ;)

I've heard it said that he might be a bit of a drunk or likes his drink, as if not so harsh... I don't so much disagree as believe that maybe he is drunk on love, life and dramatics. Immediately this little fellow makes me think of Romeo. Not just any Romeo, but Leonardo Di Caprio's version to be exact. There is a specific scene that came to me, almost instantly. Warning: as a young lady growing up in the early '90s, you may feel that ol' familiar heart thump, break and ache.

I mean really, even the fact that they share this moment with a wall of water and these beautiful exotic fish (side note ~ PoC is of the Pisces/Scorpio family), my dear sweet Romeo exudes Earth of Water. Creative and spontaneous, expect this little guy to show up anywhere at anytime, ready to go. He isn't flashy, he isn't loud. He's just ready. With him everything is a beautiful quiet adventure. Mystery and magic around every corner. Time best spent with him, is time unplanned. Just show up. Truly. And let him lead the way. You're guaranteed an adventure.

Expressive. The page of cups is full of charge. He's the boy who's apartment has drop sheets hanging from every crevasse, each littered with paint & screaming with vision. If he's late for dinner, he'll show up with flowers and paint in his hair. It will make your heart melt. He's not shy about his love for the stars, nor his desire to write poetry. Don't be surprised if he's got a book full of you before the second date. When he hurts, stand back, look out and be ready to wipe a tear. He feels deep and it sucks you in.

He's an amazing listener. If you're talking about your dreams and desires, he'll hold your hand and stare at you like you're the best thing ever. Incapable of judgement, he is full of young love and believes perfect is just around every corner. He is gentle, and will not laugh at the things you believe. If he doesn't quite understand or agree, he'll just ask you to talk more, explain it again, until he gets it.

If the PoC happens to be about you, YaY for you!!! Expect the unexpected and enjoy the ride as you embark on an amazing and new fun filled energetic and creative opportunity. A new commission, a lead role in a play... what ever it is, it will be a new creative project.

Even more great news if paired with the Empress and or 9 of Pentacles and or the 3 of cups... it's baby making time!

Enjoy this card, enjoy this time. It's fresh, young, untouched and void of bad energy. A beautiful mix of raw, organic spirit.

Has love ever swept you off your feet Romeo style?
What was your biggest unexpected 'creative yes' moment?


Love and Light,