"But you can't focus on things that matter if all you've been is
asleep for forty years.
Funny how sleep rhymes with sheep. You know."
Interestingly enough, I danced around the idea of making Charlie Sheen my PoS in rev., in the end, he was just to old, to much experience, his life a little more traveled. In theory many of the prinicples run true with his persona, addiction, enormous talent, boredom, gossip, spiteful, mean. When in his mood, he definitely can definitely display bully behaviour.
You can't focus if you're asleep. The Page of Swords tells us to wake up and focus. Keep a sharp eye on what is in front, beside and behind us. Blade pointing forward, it is an excellent card to pull when wondering if you're in the right direction. Slice your way through the debris of messy thoughts, trust your instinct, and move forward on a path you create. PoS has a hint of independence, an individual journey maker with apt, ability and intelligence. Just be mindful of downtime, and activity that seems or feels beneath you as you may fall into the trap of idle hands. The PoS is a time of learning and being the vigilant student, which really can be for any age. Know what you're getting into before you move forward, because there is nothing worse than being hit in the face by a branch that snaps back.

Find yourself face to face with a gossip hag, or maybe you yourself have an issue with loose lips? No worries, a sliver of Slippery Elm will help you manage your tongue, and/or keep you out the slimy words of others. Historically used to help with diarrhea, I guess it can't help but 'heal' Nasty Nancy's verbal diarrhea.
Elemental Note: Slippery Elm is of Air and ruled by Saturn
Magick Note: Tie a few leaves with a yellow cord or string and burn it off to ward any ill words against you.
Heal the World: Did you know Eastern Canada lost over 700,000 elms due to Dutch Elm disease? B.C and Alberta remain the only provinces to be free of the disease.
Lepidolite, a "stone of transition" is perfect for PoS as it is a crystal that encourages independence, achieving goals, concentration and objectivity. It helps with making speedy decisions, a quality that PoS is known for, and why people will go to him for leadership and guidance. Focusing on the necessary, Lepidolite, like the the sword, cuts through the BS and gets to the point. A calming stone, it frees you from the influences and voices of others, immunizing you from outside hurts and negativity.
How would you use these elements in an alter offering?
Where would you place Lepidolite on a child suffering from gossip?
Find yourself face to face with a gossip hag, or maybe you yourself have an issue with loose lips? No worries, a sliver of Slippery Elm will help you manage your tongue, and/or keep you out the slimy words of others. Historically used to help with diarrhea, I guess it can't help but 'heal' Nasty Nancy's verbal diarrhea.
Elemental Note: Slippery Elm is of Air and ruled by Saturn
Magick Note: Tie a few leaves with a yellow cord or string and burn it off to ward any ill words against you.
Heal the World: Did you know Eastern Canada lost over 700,000 elms due to Dutch Elm disease? B.C and Alberta remain the only provinces to be free of the disease.
How would you use these elements in an alter offering?
Where would you place Lepidolite on a child suffering from gossip?
Love and Light,Amand
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