At this point in life, my physical state is in pain. The controlling part of me wants to say I have an answer as to why. Unfortunately it's not that easy, which is why I find myself trapped in the everyday bi-polarism of self hate and love. I cannot bare to tell you the extremes I flip flop through over the course of the day as I struggle with my physical self. Specifically, the physical state of my body. Achy knees, one too many shawarma hips, a backside that comes out the top of my pants, arms that can't 'push' me up, and boobs I hate to love. It pains me, as I "think" I am quite confident, and then I see myself in pictures. I do not look how I feel. And I do not feel how I look. Does that make sense?
"To offer, I must receive. To teach, I must learn.
To succeed, I must fail. To guide, I must find."
I still feel like I'm walking around with my pre-baby 23 year old cheer leading body. I'm not.
I feel chunky, clunky and old. I'm not.
How can one body, one mind, contradict itself so much? I don't have the answer to that... but I'm willing to work on it. I've created the Fitness Forecasting spread to guide me through the week. Here's how it works: I separate my cards into courts, majors and minors. I do a clean shuffle for each pile and place them in the following order
Fitness Forecast Tarot Spread
1. Court
2. Major
3. Minor 4. Minor 5. Minor 6. Minor 7. Minor 8. Minor 9. Minor
1. My behavoiral trait over the course of the week
2. A message from Spirit (can be either a reward or warning)
3-9. Daily doses of "food for thought"
Here we go... Week 1
Knight of Swords
Mon Ace of W | Tue III of P | Wed IV of C rev | Thu IX of Wands | Fri III of S rev | Sat VII of S | Sun III of C rev
Basically, what this is telling me is that I will be faced with a week where I will be living fast and needing to make quick, on the spot decisions. Essentially, I need to be aware of and avoid fast food.
Spirit is telling me that I am that top of my game, I have the energy and positive attitude to see me through the up and coming week. This is good news, as it seems I will be faced with some serious personal challenges throughout the week.
Food for Thought:
Monday - Track and journal
Tuesday - Maintain clear goal
Wednesday - Tired of being tired.
Thursday - Get through it. I will beat her.
Friday - What hurts?
Sat - Creative Discipline
Sun - Don't give in. Don't give up. You're only cheating yourself.
Good luck and have fun with this spread. And remember, tarot is like weather forecasting. You can't always be right, but at least you'll have an idea of what to expect.
Check back for daily and weekly updates as I work on "the outside".
Love and Light,
When you look in the mirror, is what you see a reflection of how you feel?
How does your physical self affect your spiritual self?
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