Monday, June 3, 2013

O Romeo, Wherefore art thou my Page of Cups?

"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand!

O that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!"

He's a bit of a romantic fellow isn't he, this Page of Cups? Yes he is and that's what makes him my favourite Page. That and his perfume is Indigo kinda makes me partial ;)

I've heard it said that he might be a bit of a drunk or likes his drink, as if not so harsh... I don't so much disagree as believe that maybe he is drunk on love, life and dramatics. Immediately this little fellow makes me think of Romeo. Not just any Romeo, but Leonardo Di Caprio's version to be exact. There is a specific scene that came to me, almost instantly. Warning: as a young lady growing up in the early '90s, you may feel that ol' familiar heart thump, break and ache.

I mean really, even the fact that they share this moment with a wall of water and these beautiful exotic fish (side note ~ PoC is of the Pisces/Scorpio family), my dear sweet Romeo exudes Earth of Water. Creative and spontaneous, expect this little guy to show up anywhere at anytime, ready to go. He isn't flashy, he isn't loud. He's just ready. With him everything is a beautiful quiet adventure. Mystery and magic around every corner. Time best spent with him, is time unplanned. Just show up. Truly. And let him lead the way. You're guaranteed an adventure.

Expressive. The page of cups is full of charge. He's the boy who's apartment has drop sheets hanging from every crevasse, each littered with paint & screaming with vision. If he's late for dinner, he'll show up with flowers and paint in his hair. It will make your heart melt. He's not shy about his love for the stars, nor his desire to write poetry. Don't be surprised if he's got a book full of you before the second date. When he hurts, stand back, look out and be ready to wipe a tear. He feels deep and it sucks you in.

He's an amazing listener. If you're talking about your dreams and desires, he'll hold your hand and stare at you like you're the best thing ever. Incapable of judgement, he is full of young love and believes perfect is just around every corner. He is gentle, and will not laugh at the things you believe. If he doesn't quite understand or agree, he'll just ask you to talk more, explain it again, until he gets it.

If the PoC happens to be about you, YaY for you!!! Expect the unexpected and enjoy the ride as you embark on an amazing and new fun filled energetic and creative opportunity. A new commission, a lead role in a play... what ever it is, it will be a new creative project.

Even more great news if paired with the Empress and or 9 of Pentacles and or the 3 of cups... it's baby making time!

Enjoy this card, enjoy this time. It's fresh, young, untouched and void of bad energy. A beautiful mix of raw, organic spirit.

Has love ever swept you off your feet Romeo style?
What was your biggest unexpected 'creative yes' moment?


Love and Light,

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