Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Benny be Bad - Behaviour of the Page of Cups Reverse

You know who he is... Benny. 

Most of us have had a Benny in our lives. You know, the one that just can't shut up. Is completely inappropriate at all times. Suffers from prolonged teenage angst. Starting to sound familiar?

Consider these settings as it relates to Benny:

Celtic Dragon Tarot ~ PoC rev
A surprise baby shower is being held for one of your co-workers. You know, the quite little cute one who sits in the corner, does her work, and really truly never utters a bad word about anyone or anything? She's kinda that churchy, 'I'm most looking forward to taking my baby to story time at the library', sweet thing. Everyone is eating cake, she's rubbing her belly shy like and a bit embarrassed by all the attention. In comes Benny, late of course, full of pomp. "So Lydia, I was talking to a friend who said her baby's head was so big she teared from front to back. Doesn't having your woohoo stitched up scare the shit out of you?"


The family is having a get together to discuss an aging grandparent's dimensia. They're considering bringing him home to live until the progression of the ailment gets to much for them to handle. They'd like to be around during the onset of the disease, to ease the transition of the grandfather, making him a 'new' addition to the family setting. A setting of which the 22 year old Benny still finds himself in as he hasn't quite embraced taking care of himself yet.  "Do what ever you want. Just remember he's your responsibility not mine. And for the record, I'm not giving up my bedroom."


Benny and Sue have been in a relationship for  almost a year. They met the first week of college and seem to have hit it off. Sue, being super busy with her studies, didn't mind the lack of quality time as it allowed her to focus on her studies and maintain a relationship without the guilt of having to decide between good grades and quality time with her man. At first, she thought his giving her space was cute, and endearing. She realizes that Benny's abscence might have been more selfish than she'd like to admit. "Listen Sue, we didn't spend that much time together before. School's out, so what? That doesn't mean we need to spend more time together now. Get over it."


Benny's friend is having his bachelor party. They've reserved a VIP at the local club. Boys will be boys, and they're definitely living up to being boys. As the night progresses, Benny is living it up a little more than the rest. As is his nature when things aren't about him, he will find away to make sure at some point his presence will be talked about and remembered. Bachelor boy is starting to wind down, and the 'boys' are getting ready to go home. Just as they get ready to leave, in comes the waitress with trays full of shooters. It doesn't take long to figure out where they came from... "Ladies, my boy is getting married... shooters for the ladies who can remind him what he's giving up!" says Benny who's managed to convince the DJ to give him some airtime.

Sheer Madness.

He's a pest. And he's a pain. And yet, people still want him around. Benny has a few lessons to learn, obviously. But more importantly, the PoC rev needs to get to the root of what is causing him conflict and emotional pain. There is a reason for his behaviour, and although it's tough to ride it out, patience with this one will pay off in the long run. 


Love and Light,

Have you ever been 'bitten' by Benny?
Pick a scenario above. How would you deal with Benny?

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