Monday, June 24, 2013

Magic Monday ~ Wish Upon a Stone

The vows of my marriage. Cast in stone.

As my sixth anniversary looms, I got to thinking about what we have, tangibly, that represents our wedding outside the obvious rings, pictures...etc. What is that one 'thing' we shared six years ago that still holds power today? What is at the foundation our marriage?

What is at the foundation of anything that lasts the test of time?

“ When all the water has gone, only the largest stones will still remain in the riverbed.” 
African Proverb

Think about the value we place rock. As an international community, our faith in stone is a common and shared experience. Stone has a tangible beauty, and has the energy to capture our deepest desires and display the beauty of our most talented. It represents our loved ones, and allows us to cast hate on those we shun.

As I started to think about stone and our culture, it was pretty easy to come up with some really powerful and memorable concepts. These are just a few that came to mind straight away:

Gazing upon Medusa will turn you to stone
Moses carried the word of God on two tablets carved in stone
Headstones are the physical worlds representation of loved ones who've passed. Their life's story carved into the stone like a tagline.
Rocks are a child's must have first collection. The Mini Starlite had rocks in her pockets for years, always searching, always collecting.
Remember this little diddy "Sticks and stones may break my bones..." We know now that stones hurt for a minute, while names can hurt a life time.
Stonehenge, Easter Island, Mont Rushmore, self-made camp fire rings
Rolling Stones... Stone Temple Pilots, lol I know, I digress

Regardless, I bet most, if not all of the above said stone references immediately invoked some kind of visual memory.

If you attended my wedding, you would remember receiving an intention stone to be held throughout our ceremony. The power, friendship, energy and love continue to surround us each and everyday. There are times when I wonder, how did we get through this or that? There are other days when I am so full of joy and blessings, I wonder why me? It's of no mystery to me where it comes from, the stone at our foundation was set with intention and love, by family and friends. I can't imagine a life built on anything else.

A wedding isn't an everyday occurrence. A dream, wish or intention can come at anytime for any reason. Because of this, an intention stone, prayer stone or wishing stone is the perfect gift from Spirit. It is readily available whenever we need it, and it can be found anywhere our feet be placed on ground.
The magic behind the stones is the the ability to personalize the process of getting one. Stone before the intention/intention before the stone? Doesn't matter. What matters is that you take the time to look. To search, inside and out.

How to set your intention stone:

Wishing Stones 60 count - Guest Book Alternative - Sand Color - Rocks/Stones - Eco Friendly, Fun, and Super UniqueHold the stone in your hand, close your eyes and visualize your intention. Take a deep breath, hold it for five seconds. Take one more deep breath and top it off, setting your desire firm. Exhale to the count of 5 seconds, releasing your wish to the universe.

The rest is up to you. With the stone set, you can give it back to Mother Earth knowing she will keep your dream safe. You can write your intention on the stone and keep it where you'll be reminded of it. Start a prayer pile, and keep adding to it as you set your intentions. What you do with the stone has endless opportunities, as long as you harm none.

Have fun looking for your prayer stone. Enjoy the process of making a wish. And may all your dreams come true.


Love and Light,

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